Research shows that a loss of neck curvature increases the likelihood of a disc herniation. A study also showed that appropriate correction and restoration to the neck curve produced lower rates and degrees of disc problems. Chiropractic care offers the least invasive and most effective way to increase neck mobility, alignment, and restoration of good neck curvature.


Forward head posture represents one of the most significant reasons for a decrease in proper neck curvature. Sitting, texting, repetitive computer work, sedentary lifestyles, motor vehicle accidents, and other physical traumas serve as the primary culprits of forward head posture. Each of these conditions reduce neck curve, leaving the spine weaker and more vulnerable to stress. The trauma also increases pressure on the pads (discs) between each vertebra.


Discs operate similar to shocks on a car. They absorb the pressure of daily wear and tear. Discs are made of cartilage, water, and a gel-like substance in the center for added protection. As alignment of the spine becomes altered, the gel-like nucleus in the middle of the disc becomes slightly displaced. This forces pressure on the side of the disc and stresses the cartilage. Consistent adversity produces tears in the cartilage and forces the gel-like substance to slightly protrude or bulge through the side of the disc resulting in a disc herniation. Herniations come in a variety of sizes. Smaller herniations tend to be referred to as more of a bulge than a herniation. Yet every herniation leaves the spine weakened and extremely vulnerable to stress and pressure.


New research shows that altered spinal alignment, particularly reduced neck curvature, decreases disc height and increases rates of disc herniations. The generative process often occurs with no pain. Chiropractors and other spine specialists use expert testing and technology to check for disc space abnormalities or other problems before pain arrives. A proactive approach proves vital to long term functionality. Spinal alignment plays a vital role in the health, durability, and longevity of the spine. Chiropractors promote the importance of spinal correction and restoration without drugs or surgery.


Chiropractors comprise the only natural health providers who focus specifically on detecting and correcting spinal movement, alignment, and nervous system function. Regular chiropractic care helps improve spinal alignment and ensures better curvature, resulting in greater strength, durability, increased disc space, and less risk of disc bulges and herniations. The long-term benefit cannot be measured. Every person deserves a healthy spine and future.

Let us know if we can help you or your loved ones. Contact us today at 843-663-3377 to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors.